Monday, January 5, 2009

Gradual Colonization of Britain

So, onto my first article response. One of my favourite sites to peruse when looking for useful articles is the website for American Renaissance, Today, I found this excellent article and I wish to comment on it:

Quite interestingly, this article deals with an Irish writer lamenting the gradual cultural implosion of Britain due to the cowardice and incompetence of modern journalism in assessing and critiquing the present condition of multiculturalism in the United Kingdom. He comes to this realization after witnessing the immense demographic transition of London. There, synopsis done, read the article if you feel that you need more of a context, but I have read articles like this far too many times unfortunately and know how they go.

One issue the author poses is of identity. Given the various present identities of these people, most of whom he identifies as being non-European, it begs the question of what sort of nation will Britain be in the future, that is to say, what identity will it have? Ostensibly, British politicians are energetically working to deconstruct their own British identity and cultural value system as rapidly as possible in order to facilitate the importation of countless millions of migrants in the next few decades and demoralize any form of native resistance-->we've all heard the infamous phrase that "multiculutralism is inevitable/the future" or a variation of that.

You need only ask a native Briton to tell just how bad the situation for British cultural expression has become in recent years. Just a few months ago I had read an article about a Briton that was issued a ticket for simply displaying the British flag on their rear bumper for fear of "offending" someone! We all know who this "someone" is referring to. It would be funny if only it weren't so sad how hypocritical this position was because of the propensity for people to label the actions of this man as being "ignorant," yes, that meaningless moronic term that's thrown around like dirty toilet paper very much in the way that the word "racist" is used. Multicultists love to preach about how ignorant this man was for displaying the Union Jack despite the fact that I hardly believe he did so to intentionally offend other people; no, in most cases, he simply took it for granted, as we all should that if we live in Britain, it should be normal, hell, encouraged to proudly display the flag of your nation. This is not ignorance, what is ignorant, is the fact that these multicultists believe that the immigrants themselves are so ignorant as to be unable to withstand the mere sight of a Union Jack without feeling indignation, disrespect or a sense of being insulted! Ultimately, you get a situation where a young Briton was chastised for being ignorant despite the fact that all he did was try to quite innocently display the pride he has in his nation, yet the immigrants are let off scotch free regardless of the fact that it is actually they who are the ones who are too ignorant to allow a young Briton driver to express his pride in being British well within his own borders. Those immigrants who cannot seem to stomach this without feeling wronged or insulted should not be in Britain in the first place and should certainly not have the power to impose these draconian restrictions on legitimate freedom of expression. I hope those reading can see the innate hypocrisy within these double standards and how the natives of Britain are discriminated against to appease the ignorance of disrespectful foreigners.

Furthermore, British schoolchildren are taught that patriotism, pride in their nation, its past and its impressive accomplishments, is an evil that should be dead and buried in history. With all this in mind, and believe me, any committed nationalist in Britain will provide several far more provocative examples, these are only ones that I can remember off the top of my head, but with this in mind, how can anyone ever expect that the future people who inhabit the British isles will ever pridefully retain or unite around a common British culture, heritage and history?!

No, what will happen instead, and what is starting to happen now, will be the emergence of an artificial culture promoted by governmental diversity and multicultist policies and the politically correct schooling of generations of academics who will be so far in their flight of multicultist delusion and fancy that they might never see the light of reason ever again. Historically, culture was an expression of the identity of a certain people, embodying their traditions and sociopolitical history. That is to say that culture had an organic relationship with the people; any state that emerged could only operate within the confines of the norms and values of the culture practiced by the people, only then would it be viewed as legitimate. This is all essentially to say that the state was itself constrained by socio-cultural norms, traditions and values, it was largely subordinate to it. In the modern scenario, what we have is the creation of an artificial culture with the state as the primary facilitator, i.e. the state is now what determines the culture of its people and what is acceptable for them to be [i.e. clearly, based on the above, being British is quickly losing acceptance]. No longer is British culture an emanation from the British people over the expression of their identity, now-a-days, any "culture" that we do see is a carefully fabricated and manufactured composite of state directives and other supported dogmatic multicultist academics. This composite that we have is cheerfully paraded around as "diversity" and/or "multiculturalism."

If this is the future culture that the state is trying to create, and therefore, enforce upon its native inhabitants against their better judgment and will, what will happen to British culture and history? Will future generations of "British" - only in name, perhaps this will be replaced too with another equally artificial and meaningless term of citizenship - youths have any sense of genuine British history, culture or traditions that this once great land had? Will they even care? As a thought experiment, ask yourself this:

Say we have nation A with a decreasing native population. In addition, every year, they are importing staggering numbers of foreigners with various cultures from all over the world whose proportion of the population is steadily increasing. Lastly, combine that with the fact that the government is actively seeking to undermine the cultural traditions of its declining native population whilst creating an artificial "inclusive" multiculture based almost entirely around the traditions, practices and norms of the foreign inhabitants, essentially a composite of all the cultures minus the native one. Does anyone honestly think that the future inhabitants of the nation who will be majority foreign within a few decades will consider or seek to preserve British traditions and learn about British historical figures and lifestyles when the government itself discriminates and disrespects the native culture while incessantly promoting the culture of the foreigners? The answer is obvious, they won't care. If you were to completely replace Germany's population with Japanese, few Japanese people would give a damn about Otto von Bismarck or J. G. Herder, Fichte, Kafka etc. because those characters simply share no cultural relevance to themselves, the state has made sure of that by giving them [Japanese] their own culture to celebrate in place of the former native one.

This brings up my last point here. Another issue of hypocrisy within the multicultist argument. Multicultists incessantly parade around claiming they are the holy guardians of human diversity and multiculturalism against the ravages of ethnic nationalists such as myself, however this couldn't be further from the truth. As I said earlier, ethnic nationalists such as myself support one another in our goals to promote our own culture within our own nations in as peaceful a manner as possible without nosing ourselves in the domestic issues of others. If anything, ethnic nationalists are the ones who want to preserve human cultural and physical diversity. Given the above paragraphs regarding the state's active demolition of British culture in accordance with multicultist doctrine, is not displacing the entire British people from their own land and replacing their own organic, native culture with an artificial state imposed culture a sign of decreasing human cultural and physical diversity? How can they rationalize claiming to promote human diversity and yet paradoxically support the decline and gradual disappearance of the British people and their own culture within their own nation?! Will the world really be more diverse as the multicultists say if the British, Swedes, French, Germans and Spanish conveniently don't exist in the future? That simply does not add up.