Monday, January 5, 2009

My First Post

Greetings to everyone who will in the future read this, my very first posting on this, my very first blog. I suppose the timing of my posting behooves me to wish you all a belated Happy New Years.

Onto the matter at hand, the blog...or what I hope to make out of it considering this is my very first attempt so we shall see how this experiment turns out. I suppose I'll just quickly start and elaborate further on describing myself and my goals, given the insufficiency of my profile description.

Well, I'm a 19 year old male university student of European descent operating under the name of Zeek; I'm currently continuing my studies in Political Science and History . I have a great interest in pretty much anything European ranging from various fields, political, historical, social, ethnocultural and in the rare instances when I have leisure time, philosophical. As elucidated earlier, I suppose I can generally be categorized politically as an ethnic nationalist and as far as I've been able to ascertain from my political readings up to this point, politically, I sympathize with writers such as Jean Jacques Rousseau, Friedrich von Treitschke, Johann Gottfried von Herder [however his work extended far beyond politics] etc. Politically, I'm particularly interested in political philosophy and international relations, hopefully I'll be able to pursue such a position in the future. As I've discussed my ideological sympathies, when it comes to international relations, I suppose I'm an adherent to the realist school, espousing pragmatism and practicality above all when it comes to foreign policy, bringing me in line with characters such as Otto von Bismarck, Cammilo Benso di Cavour and in contemporary times, Vladimir Putin. I think they're all very capable leaders, I don't quite regard them as politicians given my cynicism towards traditional politics and the integrity [well, lack thereof] of politicians. They all made difficult decisions that too many flower power characters were simply incapable of doing, and risked their reputation to do so. That's something I can respect, when you put something else, the bigger picture above yourself and do what is necessary. I'm sure more names will be added to the list as my ideas and concepts develop further on which is precisely why I'm here.

I'm hoping to maintain the quality of my writing style for further university studies and to engage in meaningful discussion and debate over very controversial and contentious issues that can't quite be openly done in the so-called "free" Western societies we live in. I will not shy away from a discussion when I have the time to contribute as I do not have a dogmatic agenda that I'm trying to ignorantly impose on others, I hope to use the power of reason and argumentation to forge some sort of consensus and develop ideas that adhere to the truth and reality of the world.

I got interested in blogging as I've been following the blogs of others and other online news sources for the better part of two years. I'm inspired that people have the courage and temerity to speak out especially in a time when multicultism has become a state enforced dogma, practically a religion for all intents and purposes that is untouchable and holy in its conception, immune from any blemish or form of critique due to its merciless imposition upon the minds of generations of Europeans around the world. In particular, I've found the famous conservative blogger Fjordman to be especially inspiring as his works are wonderfully insightful.

Well, I guess that last statement kind of knocked the door down, so yes, I am fiercely opposed to the state imposed system of multicultism that the vast majority of other Europeans are forced to endure and tolerate against their will. The typical response to this statement is the usual assortment of political slurs and slander following along the lines of: hater, xenophobe, neo-Nazi, fascist, racist etc. etc. etc. I'm sure I do not need to go on, many of those interested in this blog will have already experienced this. The problem is that all of those insults miss the point entirely, which is that states that are overwhelmingly homogeneous in their ethnoculture, i.e. consisting of a single nation, are substantially more peaceful, content and economically prosperous than those states suffering from internal ethnic, religious or racial strife which many of us have seen lead to war or genocide. The problems of aggressive ethnic nationalism as was experienced in the early parts of the 20th century I believe can be almost entirely mitigated by the institution of democracy which is critical to establishing stability in any state. My ideal state and international system would consist of democratic ethnonationalist states with a non-interventionist policy unless their existence is directly threatened. Domestically, I wouldn't define myself with terms such as socialist or neo-conservative, I believe the government should be as big or as small as necessary to benefit the nation, in essence, it's responsibility should be to secure and improve the prosperity of its citizens. I am a promoter of freedoms and rights; as for economic policy, I have not yet made up my mind.

Given the above statement, I have no qualms or issues whatsoever with people of other backgrounds only in so much that they do not threaten the existence of my own ethnoculture; I am equally supportive of Turkish nationalists who seek to peacefully promote their own culture within their own nation as I would be for German nationalists, Nigerian nationalists, Brazilian nationalists, Indian nationalists etc. you get the idea... I think that each nation should seek to preserve the existence of their own ethnoculture as peacefully as possible with as limited intervention in the domestic issues of other states as possible. This I believe, is the most peaceful international and internal order. This is also the only true form of legitimate human diversity and multiculturalism, not the fake state imposed ideology we suffer from which ultimately supports the extirpation of not just one, but all ethnocultures and races culminating in the creation of a single bland and artificial identity.

Well, there you have it. I don't quite know what else I can say. I have for sure missed out on some aspects of my beliefs both unconsciously and also consciously because of my desire for well....brevity in my first post...clearly that's not the way it has gone! I have a tendency to ramble on. I will try to update the blog every 2-3 days where possible. Thank you all for reading.