Sunday, January 11, 2009

News Summary of the Day January 10, 2009

Greetings everyone again. I'm still recovering from last night's article but I'd like to quickly get on with my news summaries. Part of my goal when making this blog was to maintain and improve the quality of my academic writing and provide myself with an opportunity at cementing my diverse political beliefs into something more fine-tuned and developed. In addition, I also wanted to help other fellow ethnic nationalists that share the same goals by providing online sources for news articles, analytical articles written by other authors and research papers that support the positions of ethnic nationalism. This was the reasoning behind creating a news summary day.

France's New New Year Tradition: Burning Cars

I'm sure most of us have heard of the endless spate of car burnings in France by "unidentified" youths in the year 2005; however, given the recent news media blackout on the issue for the past few years, it would seem that this social unrest has receded and been solved by the government, however this couldn't be further from the truth. The only reason why the French and other media have largely begun trivializing and ignoring this seemingly new cultural tradition and fad of "unidentified" youths is because they themselves have gotten so acculturated and used to hearing of hundreds of cars being burned everyday; it has almost become an accepted part of life. Torching cars has become a "regular form of expression for disenfranchised suburban youths wanting to make sure the rest of the country doesn't forget they exist." I think the motives are more serious and cynical than the existentialist excuse that the above quote provides; these youths are unwilling to assimilate into French culture, this is the central contributing component to their entire condition of life. Because they are unwilling to accept French cultural values and assimilate, they will obviously find it more difficult to get a job and have a successful career in France. This leads them to the bogus assumption that France and the French people themselves are holding them down, "discriminating" against them when in-fact the onus should be placed upon the youth/foreigner themselves and their unwillingness to assimilate. The French have no obligation to change their culture just because they're too ignorant to accept its values, if they don't like it, get out. I'm sure the French would appreciate if that could happen given the 1,147 torched cars on New Years [30% higher than 2007 New Years] and throughout 2007, an average of 118 cars a day were torched, a total of 43,000!

How to Have More Babies - A Critique on Radical Feminism

I've read about half of this article and I'm impressed by its quality and comprehensiveness so I highly recommend it to all readers. I decided not to finish it because it is a very very lengthy article that's mostly concentrated on critiquing Radical Feminism within America. Given America's precarious economic and demographic condition [where at most 67% of the population is of European descent], I do not have high hopes for ethnic nationalists within the country and hence I do not place much emphasis upon American news or articles - sorry for being a cynic. Canada would be second on my list of hopeless countries given that 23% of all Canadians are of foreign origin, we have one of the highest if not the highest immigration rate per capita and the sheer lack of anything resembling a national identity makes "deconstructing" and "reconstructing" what it means to be Canadian such a breeze that the title itself is practically worthless. We also have an obscenely low fertility rate, hovering around 1.5, far lower than in the States at 2.1. These two neighbouring states seem to be racing each other to find out which nation can destroy itself the quickest.

EU Opens African Office Encouraging 50 Million Migrants

This has been in the news before, but I think this is an issue that DEFINITELY needs to be addressed and discussed simply because of the sheer insanity of this plan. It's pretty simple, the EU wants to use taxpayer funding to open up offices that will facilitate the legal migration of 50 million Africans into the European Union which is just another way of legally sanctioning the dispossession of 500 million ethnic Europeans from their historical homelands. Oh and what great timing too eh!? Right in the middle of one of the worst recessions Europe has faced in decades, perhaps even the worst since the end of the war; isn't this just the perfect time to encourage millions of migrants in settling European lands, while native Europeans are losing jobs by the bucket loads which will probably be even further accentuated in the future due to the importation of cheap slave labour. I am a harsh critic of the EU, I think that it extended far beyond it's original purposes and intent as an union facilitating economic trade ties and links between European nations; its political power needs to be far more limited, individual nation-states should have primary jurisdiction over their own laws and citizens. And it's clearly not doing what is in the best interests of Europeans, which European people are asking for 50 million more low-skilled migrants to invade their country? None that I know of.

Moroccan Becomes Mayor of Rotterdam

There we have it, the "Obama of the Maas." On the whole I'd prefer it if native Europeans themselves retained political control over their states because only in that way can they protect their precious and unique cultures. This appointment [yes, it was an appointment to being the mayor as far as I know] of a Moroccan as mayor of such a major city as Rotterdam does not bode well for ethnic nationalists across Europe and particularly those in the threatened nation of the Netherlands. The main point that gets on my nerves is that this mayor is not willing to give up his dual Moroccan-Dutch citizenship and I think any person in a position of political power and accountability to the Dutch people should rescind any other citizenship that they might have. Unfortunately, Netherlands in their uncritical tolerance for everything and anything actually allow foreigners born in the Netherlands to retain their foreign citizenship if I'm not mistaken. But, then again, although this may set a dangerous precedent for the future of Dutch cultural and ethnic survival, from what I've heard of the guy, he's an ardent promoter of integration and not multiculturalism. Personally I'd prefer neither of these, but at least he's not as hardcore a multicultist as most of us may fear.

New Labour Now Focusing on White Working Class?

Yeaa...right, that's a sad joke. After 10 years of misguided politics now the New Labour has suddenly opened their eyes? I'm sorry, but somethings do sound too good to be true and I sincerely hope that no one lends any ounce of believe to such sheer deceit. This "re-orientation" of priorities is nothing but a superficial charade done by the government in order to create the perception that they suddenly care about the white working class. New Labour, as with all catch all parties are solely interested in maintaining power, yes I just said the blatantly obvious, so sue me. But this realistic point needs to be reiterated because I just know that there are enough gullible people out there that will honestly believe in this treachery enough to potentially support them and continue their incredibly anti-British regime and time is something that the British people don't have in spades. People need to realize that given the sole, single and ONLY imperative of catch all parties is the pursuit of power at any reasonable cost and this involves reorienting priorities for politically expedient purposes. This facade of support only lasts for as long as it is beneficial for the party and rest assured for all those present New Labour supporters that continue to believe in them that once the tables turn in the next few decades, as Britain gradually becomes less and less British and more and more ambiguous and artificial, New Labour will once again shift their priorities to adapt to the new voting environment and they won't give a damn about Britain beyond considering it for its geographical location and no longer relevant name. They don't have the slightest concern for British culture or values or even the existence of their own people, they'd forsake it all for an extra four years in parliament to pass their bogus policies and pretend to be responsible, accountable representatives of the people.
I highly encourage patriotic British citizens concerned about their country to vote for parties that will sincerely pursue the reasonable interests of the native European majority; from what I know, the BNP and UKIP seem to be more or less respectable parties?

That seems like enough for today, all the best.