Monday, February 16, 2009

A Few Interesting Developments

Hello everyone yet again. Hope you've all been doing well since my last post, putting the information to good use hopefully. I'm still trying to catch up on my backlog of news articles that I have to cover so that'll be my main focus today. If I'm lucky and succinct enough however, I might be able to start my little spiel on the present Financial Crisis that seems to dominate the minds of many these days. It will be focused around my critique on the pervasiveness and false faith we place in free market liberal ideology ever since its "victory" following the collapse of the Soviet Union; certainly I am no proponent of socialism either, in-fact, my denunciation of socialism would probably be even more scathing than my disagreement with unbridled capitalism, however I am in favour of a middle-of-the-road approach reminiscent to the Social Market Economies of many European states - an approach that essentially originates from Germany and "Christian"-minded economists [I am not Christian myself] who sought to incorporate a sense of human value and dignity [and in my opinion, some rationality and realism!] into the market economy. Anyways, if I do not cover that tonight then I will try my hardest to do so tomorrow. Onto the news...

Half of Dutch Do Not Agree With Wilders Conviction

This article yields a diverse array of opinion surveys and statistics that show a surprising degree of public support [half of all respondents] for Nationalist politician Geert Wilders in his struggle with the conviction sentence by Dutch courts. Fully 50% are in opposition to the Courts' decision to convict Wilders while 43% support it, quite the hefty figure since multicultist leftists and liberals will have you believe that Wilders is just some obscure, militant right-wing genocidal maniac who has no political relevance despite leading a party that has garnered over half a million votes in the last election - quite the feat in the Netherlands! I suppose it just comes to show how politically bankrupt the term "far-right" has become, similar to the word "racist, xenophobe, neo-Nazi" etc. all of which are simply meaningless and shallow politically charged slander aimed at denigrating and defaming respectable people and parties with genuine concerns that run contrary to the brainwashing campaign of multicultists.

This article is also an encouraging sign that the desire for freedom of speech within Western nations has not been entirely suppressed by megalomaniacal and authoritative multicultists. Further statistics have shown that 49% of the population believe that Wilders' comments critical of Islam in the movie Fitna did not "incite to violence or ethnic discrimination" etc. while 48% of the population dogmatically believes he has. Pretty much a 50-50 split, however, 54% of the population would like Wilders to be acquitted with only 6% wanting a prison sentence of more than two months! This displays how generally half of the population [and slightly more] is sympathetic towards the cause of free speech and Wilders' defence to such a right, but it also shows that even those who agree with charging Wilders are only marginally in opposition to his comments and do not want a harsh sentence. I wouldn't be surprised at all if this 6% of the population which demands a harsher punishment are themselves members of the Muslim community and that a scant few native Dutch would actually support Wilder's imprisonment for a period longer than two months. Especially considering that Wilders did not even do anything that would incite others to hate Muslims, in-fact, at the end of the video, he even encourages Muslims themselves to oppose the tenets and allure of radical Islam, to think for themselves and not blindly adhere to a religious book written by an illiterate nomad 1300 years ago which he symbolized by ripping out pages of the Qur'an which advocated violence. For those who have not watched the movie, at the end of this response on the article, I will post a link to it; Wilders barely talked at all and the vast majority of the movie was simply composed of clips from events and speeches by radical Islamists themselves and I think he's attempting to "incite" disgust and action against the conduct and beliefs of those extremists more so than he is trying to attack Muslims in general - especially peaceful and assimilated ones.

In addition, according to the article, some 51% believe that the Court has "unacceptably violated the position of a representative of the people" while 46% disagreed and 49% recognized that this was a politically motivated decision whereas 43% opted for legal motivation. What's most astonishing are the fact that this has severely injured the reputation of an allegedly "objective" Court system as 40% of the population have an increasingly negative opinion of the institution, 13% have an improved opinion while 45% have not changed their view. Also, it's promising to hear that 69% believe that this conviction will result in greater support for Wilders' party and that it has made 26% of the population more inclined towards voting for Wilders! As I said in an earlier post [Switzerland and Sharia law, Prof. Giordano], once we begin deconstructing Western law intended to preserve the rights of Western civilization and culture itself by conceding to the demands of assertive foreign interests and groups [i.e. demands for sharia law], the objectivity and justice of our traditional court systems will have been sacrificed for spur-of-the-moment decisions and convictions motivated entirely by mass sentiment and action[i.e. all Muslims calling and protesting for a law against religious criticism, see Denmark article in my previous post!].

As promised, here is the link for the movie Fitna which Wilders was prosecuted for.

Flemings Negative Towards Islam

Wow, some pretty stirring figures in these polls! In an earlier post I indicated that Flanders would be one of my highest hopes in terms of having a nationalist party lead their government, that is, as long as they manage to attain independence from the artificial country we know as Belgium, an obscure political construct created in 1830 with absolutely no regard for culture, language and nationality. Thus, we have seen the Dutch culture, language and traditions largely wither away at the onslaught of French-speaking Walloons who want to preserve the union because of the immense payments economically depressed Wallonia get from the economically vibrant and successful Flanders. Brussels to my knowledge used to be a majority Flemish/Dutch speaking city however it is now overwhelmingly French speaking and West Flemish is quickly disappearing as well. Personally, I see a certain national tendency in French-speakers to culturally impose their language on whatever region they occupy; call it an "imperialistic" tendency or whatever you wish, it's always been something I've found somewhat strange and disturbing; it's happened in Belgium, however not too sure about Switzerland, but it is endemic in France that is for sure as they've actively been suppressing native languages such as Breton, Occitan, Catalonian, West Flemish and Alsation for decades now trying to create the visage of a coherent French nationality. In-fact, France is the only Western Democracy that I know of which hasn't ratified the European Charter on protecting minority languages! It's something that I tend to hold against France and many of the more chauvinistic French speakers who seem to be quite surprisingly and unbearably arrogant with regards to their culture and history. It's an interesting aspect of what people might say is historically part of the French national character.

It's quite sad to see one culture forced out by another through political motivation, but in any case this has made the Flemish demand for autonomy greater with many striving even further for independence! The nationalist party, the Vlaams Belang is in-fact the second largest Flemish party! Hopefully, if in the future Flanders attains independence that it will resist the temptations of multicultism and will be a bulwark for nationalist sentiment across Europe, especially after seeing and experiencing first-hand the detrimental effects of allowing other cultures to gain precedence over their own, resulting in gradual cultural extinction.

We find that amongst the Flemish, 46% believe that Islam has nothing to contribute to European culture, 48% believe that Islamic values are a threat for Europe and that 37% of Muslims have no respect for European culture or way of life. Personally, I don't know if I could unequivocally agree with any of these statements; as I said earlier, religion is not a pre-requisite for becoming a citizen in my ideal state, as long as you are of an assimilable European heritage, willing to learn and support the native language and culture of where you are, religion becomes just a personal choice. However, I don't entirely disagree with this statement either given that many Muslims are not assimilable, do not support the native lifestyle or language and do not share a European heritage or appreciation for such an identity and hence, my position with regards to these statements would be somewhat of a middle-ground. I personally know many European Muslims [mostly Bosnians] who have adapted quite well to the Western culture and lifestyle and pose no such threat to the continuation of Western civilization. I doubt I can say the same for many Saudi's, Sudanese or Afghani's.

Furthermore, some 42% of respondents agreed that Islamic history and culture are more violent than other cultures. This is difficult to measure historically, but certainly in the beginning of Islam, Islamic expansion was overwhelmingly conjoined to the hip with military expansion. The second Caliph, Umar created a diwan which was a registry of all Muslims which allowed them to measure how much of the booty from conquest should be distributed amongst families, hence war booty was a central component to Islamic society in its initial phases; it would be exceedingly difficult to deny that Islamic history has had quite the amicable relationship with military expansion and violence. Are they more violent than other religions...hmmm...not sure, we've all had our moments of violence.

In addition, 40% of the respondents believe that ethnic minorities don't contribute anything to Belgium and that 47% are against new immigration [while 38% are for it]. You see why I am optimistic for Flanders?! Some of these statements I wouldn't entirely agree with - as I indicated earlier - nonetheless it represents that the Flemish are resolutely interested and devoted towards protecting their identity and independent culture and I wish them all the best in their endeavour.

Nine out of Ten Failed Asylum Seekers Stay in Britain

The British immigration department and whatever department is responsible for tracking asylum seekers are an absolute joke and a complete waste of British taxpayer dollars [almost a billion pounds a year!]. Turns out that 90% of failed asylum seekers who should be deported end up staying permanently in Britain due to the incredible incompetence and ineptitude of British agencies. The Border Agency is inundated with a backlog that stretches forever [9,000 cases] and their previous commitment to re-examining an asylum seeker's case five years after settlement in Britain has become a complete absurdity as the Agency has lost any and all ability at locating the asylum seekers once they're in the country!

The way I see it, fake asylum seekers should be immediately deported with all due haste; all of the property that they've acquired during their illegal stay over here would have to be confiscated and cheaply sold to needy native families to earn small revenues for the government and provide many of our desperate families with basic necessities [furniture, personal items, cars etc.]. If the recipient government refuses to take in the deportees/fake asylum seekers then all immigration from that nation should be immediately stopped as a consequence of not respecting the domestic laws of our native country. Quite simple and yet effective.

The Republican Party Will Never Win Another US Election!

Caught your attention huh?! It's not usual that I will talk about the United States, however I think that this topic in particular [and the title which is my own personal prediction] needs to be highlighted as it portends to the future of European identity politics. Now, the above title as I said is my own personal prediction based on two articles that I've read - the hyperlinked one being Buchanen's, but I'm also consulting an MIT article. In my second post, I made the prediction that Obama would win two presidencies in a row [unless the Republicans came up with a female African-American, Obama's kryptonite<--my play on the apparent obsession Americans have with electing minorities to display the facade of their post-racial mentality], but let's assume that he won't run in the next Presidential Elections, I still predict that a Democrat will be in power for that term, and many, many more to come. This is why.

Frankly speaking, European Americans are the traditional voters for the Republican Party as a majority of Europeans tend to vote Republican [55% voted in this election for McCain]. The powerful support that former Republicans such as Nixon and Reagan were able to gather was almost entirely due to 88% of the electorate being European with a general inclination towards Republicans [about 55% as well] in the 1970's and 1980's, however the demographic composition of the US electorate is rapidly changing due to America's lax immigration laws and the low birth rate among Europeans, America is becoming an increasingly "un-European" and hence, "un-American" country! Europeans now constitute about 74% of the US electorate. Recently, the Republicans have not only been losing votes from minorities such as Hispanics and especially Blacks, however they've even lost support among their bread-and-butter electorate, white voters in the sum of 1.4 million having abandoned the Republicans in the last elections alone and some 3 million Europeans decided to change over to the Democrats. European Americans are projected to decrease from the present 67% of the population to a minority within America by 2042. However even this prediction I believe is optimistic as they had initially believed that this would happen in 2050. I think that given present conditions that they will in the future revise this estimate to be even lower, somewhere around 2032-2035 is my personal prediction. At that point, the Republican party will effectively have become entirely politically irrelevant! However, the Republicans will become an ineffectual party long before Europeans become a minority in their own country because Europeans are split about 55-45 between Republicans and Democrats while minorities with a surging population are compelled to vote Democrat 60-70% and in the case of blacks, 95%!

We're talking about minorities who have went from only 12% of the electorate in 1980 to 26% in 2008 [more than double while Europeans have been reduced from 88% to 74%] and who've become overwhelmingly pro-Democrat. In 1980 comprising 12% of the electorate, 82% of Blacks and 54% of Hispanics voted for Democrats [75% if you include the '76 campaign!], however in 2008 some 95% [rose from 88% in 2004] of Blacks and 67% [rose from 56% in 2004] of Hispanics voted for Obama when minorities represented 22% of the electorate! Even Asian minorities themselves - one of the fastest growing groups in America [2% of electorate] - voted 62% in favour of Obama!

Given the above statistics, with the Republican Party losing its base of supporters due to old-age and demographic decline, I think that it is only inevitable that the Republican Party will fade into the history books as a non-viable competitor to the Democrats who might - ironically speaking - transform America into a de facto one-party state! Haha. That would be quite the sight. I also find it highly unlikely that any of the other ethnic groups which engage in identity politics will ever come to support in large numbers what is perceived as an overwhelmingly "white" party [Republicans]; Hispanics, Blacks and Asians, all burgeoning minorities within America have consistently voted for Democrat and such a trend will likely continue unless a "catastrophically failed Democrat President" [Buchanan quote] comes by. I think Buchanan's article has an interesting interpretation of this divide that I'll quote for you all:

"Put succinctly, the red pool of voters is aging, shrinking and dying, while the blue pool, fed by high immigration and a high birth rate among immigrants, is steadily expanding.

Nearly 90 percent of immigrants, legal and illegal, are Third World poor or working-class and believe in and rely on government for help with health and housing, education and welfare. Second, tax cuts have dropped nearly 40 percent of wage earners from the tax rolls.

If one pays no federal income tax but reaps a cornucopia of benefits, it makes no sense to vote for the party of less government.

The GOP is overrepresented among the taxpaying class, while the Democratic Party is overrepresented among tax consumers. And the latter are growing at a faster rate than the former.

Lastly, Democrats are capturing a rising share of the young and college-educated, who are emerging from schools and colleges where the values of the counterculture on issues from abortion to same-sex marriage to affirmative action have become the new orthodoxy."

An interesting view.

British IQ Among Young Generation Lower Than Before

This article is interesting for a few reasons. As you've probably come to know, the genetic aspects of our human nature and biology fascinates me and I'll take advantage of every opportunity I have to learning more about this topic. There's a general consensus within academia that the IQ's of Western populations has steadily risen in the past decades due to a concept known as the Flynn Effect which correlated improved nutrition with improved IQ. This study however has shown that since 1979, gains have declined between the ages of 12-13 while in the 14-15 cohort, there has actually been a small loss in IQ!

Now I'm generally supportive of the notion of at least partially [at least 50%] hereditary/genetic IQ however personal experiences/nurture definitely play a role in determining the intellectual aptitude of individuals. In this case we see how the modern generation of youths [my generation] have suffered from the intellectually and morally bankrupt state of pop-culture that reduces the cognitive demands and expectations on youths. I see this as further proof that we need to fight and oppose the liberal/multicultist dominated mass culture of today which is hurting not only our identity but the future of our nation, our youths!

In other studies that I've seen, IQ's peaked towards the end of the 1990's and began dropping off gradually afterwards. This might be correlated with the stagnant number of Europeans in Europeans nations and the increasing number of foreigners which may in-fact be slightly lowering the IQ's registered in these studies. This is only a possibility, I would have to see a few more studies to see if there is in-fact a connection or pattern. I do not think that this applies to the articles given that the 12-13 cohort which likely has more youths of foreign background than the 14-15 age cohort has increased their IQ. An interesting proposition nonetheless.

Here is a news article of the scientific report highlighted above. It mentions a few more useful specifics such as registering a drop of two IQ points among 14 years olds between 1980 and 2008 while the upper half of the intelligence scale has dropped by an incredible six points in the same time! I can imagine that similar finds will be replicated in other Western nations, particularly the USA which is the natural habitat of mindless mass pop culture. In contrast, the IQ's of pre-teen children has steadily increased by a half point for the past 30 years which the researchers attribute to the home having a positive net influence on the development of intellect among children reinforcing the importance of promoting family as an essential component to a healthy nation and society. During the teenage years, teens typically become rebellious in their pursuit for greater autonomy, becoming drones to pop culture and it's not until they hit university age at which point their IQ rises once again. Interestingly enough, text messaging and using emails reduces concentration among youths temporarily lowering the IQ by 10 points and smoking marijuana is correlated with a four point drop. Very interesting!

Half of All Danish Immigrants Want to Criminalize Religious Criticism

Astonishingly, a full 50% of all Danish immigrants in Denmark want to see religious criticism criminalized for its "insensitivity" and "intolerance." Among the younger population of immigrants, slightly less supported this proposition - albeit ever so slightly, only 5% fewer which indicates a general consensus among the immigrant community that supports censoring religious criticism and freedom of speech. How do multicultists suggest we balance out Western values and rights like freedom of speech with multiculturalism and "religious sensitivity" don't, inevitably you will have to make a value judgment on which of the two mean more to you than the other. Do you prize your freedom to think and speak as individuals or would you rather live in a world where our comments about religion or other cultures are carefully crafted and regulated for fear of "insulting" someone? To anyone who values Western civilization, this choice should be an easy one and it exposes multicultists for who they really are, a group of intolerant and dogmatically anti-European racists. At least the native Danes know where they stand, 80% are supportive of freedom of speech.

Austria Starts Cracking Down on Extremist Teachers
Hah, how convenient; right after talking about the battle between choosing to live in a Western democracy or oppressive and censored authoritative multicultist dystopia, we run into this article as Austria has begun to tackle the issue of extremist teachers indoctrinating Muslim youths against democratic values within Austria itself! A previous study from January found that 22% of all Islamic teachers opposed democracy on religious grounds! Once again...the choice is up to you, religious and multicultist dogmatism OR open western democracy?

Christian convert in Jail in Saudi Arabia!

Haha! I am NOT making this up nor have I constructed this so that I would have a few articles in a row that criticize Islam, it just turns out that there are a lot of articles on Islam's combative relationship with the West. Here in particular we see the dissonance between Islamic Middle Eastern values and Western values, any European Muslims that seek to live in a European nation would have to make the conscious decision to abide by the native values of that society and not enforce their foreign belief systems upon the native inhabitants. Those belief systems include punishing apostasy - the conversion to other religions. According to this article, after the individual's conversion from Islam to Christianity - and after advertising it on his blog - the blogger was sentenced to jail by Saudi authorities! Even more, last year a Saudi official's daughter was murdered because of her conversion to Christianity!

I have an idea when it comes to dealing with such states as Saudi Arabia in terms of foreign policy. Certainly, a sovereign state is entitled towards doing whatever they see fit within their own territory and I believe that it would be detrimental for us to be regarded as "nosy" or as a despotic power policing the world by involving ourselves in every petty domestic dispute. Let them all do what they want within their own nation and let them benefit or be punished for choosing to do such things, that's not something we should interfere with, at least not officially! In any case, as I said, these states will reap the rewards of their actions and by punishing people for converting to Christianity, by banning the construction of churches and by tolerating the existence and operation of extremist Wahhabi groups internally and internationally, I think that Saudi Arabia should be punished for such conduct by initiating a policy which refuses to accept any immigrants from Saudi Arabia and which refuses to acknowledge any funding from extremist Wahhabi groups within Saudi Arabia that would be used to facilitate the construction of even more Mosques within Europe. This policy would be implemented as long as Saudi Arabia maintains this treatment of religious minorities domestically and as long as they remain complicit in the operations of extremist Wahhabi groups. If European states as a whole took a concerted effort to implement these policies, I think we could see noticeable changes in the way Saudi Arabia treats and finally respects its Christian and other citizens. It would also be an effective way at regulating where money comes from which will be used in the construction of Mosques, especially considering Saudi Arabia is one of the top donators of funds for Muslim projects across the world.

Church of England Votes to Ban Membership with BNP

Last week we covered an article regarding how the Police Force and Immigration Office are banned from hiring members of the BNP and discussed the ramifications and utter hypocrisy of such policies. Well, turns out that the Church of England has also decided to go along with this witch hunt [pun intended] and ban members from being affiliated with the BNP, once again and I need to emphasize this, a LEGITIMATE POLITICAL PARTY! Imagine the public outrage if the Church or any other organ of the government were to ban members of the Labour or Conservative party, but I suppose it's alright to violate the enshrined human and political rights of these BNP members if it means scoring brownie points with the authoritative multicultist crowd [as we've exposed before]. This honeymoon between the two might not last for long as increasing numbers of Britons become disenchanted with the unrepresentative and irrational conduct and policies of government, soon, these mainstream parties might find themselves in a situation where they have to face up with their hypocritical past and policies. Haha, they call the BNP fascist, yet they are the ones banning membership to legitimate and peaceful political parties! Oh the irony would be so funny if it weren't so sad.

Heroes Are Born Not Made
Turns out that based on this study, scientists can generally predict from childbirth the stress tolerance of an individual based on their hormonal balance which directly affects how an individual handles stressful situations. They identify these people jokingly as "heroes," those who act coolly under duress largely because of their inner genetic composition. I keep saying how important genes are in determining our character or at least parts of our character and everyday I find more exciting articles like these. The article even makes the intriguing boast that one day we will be able to make others more resistant to stress via "mental exercises" and other medications which presumably alter the hormonal balance of a person. Very very interesting stuff!

Good Samaritans Are Born Not Raised
This is similar to the article above in that scientists have found a so-called "empathy gene." The ability to understand the feelings of others and feel sympathy is an aspect of our human nature that scientists believe is "built" into us by nature once again yielding the importance of genes in our individual character. This will help scientists better understand human emotional disorders like autism etc. quite intriguing I must say.

Also, it should only take a basic intellect to realize that humans differ in the above distribution of genes and hormones which largely regulate our behaviour. All the proof we need would be to look at the discrepancy in behaviour between male and female, there's a reason why humanity did not develop asexually, the two sexes are meant to compliment, not supplement one another. For all the radical Feminists our there, eat your hearts out, we are different, but we are also certainly equal! We have fulfilled different evolutionary purposes for humanity, with women being the traditional and I mean "naturalized"[represented in genes and hormones, not just socialized because it's a "man's world"] caretaker of children and families. Naturally, this would mean that females have a more advanced - and just to put a smile on the face of radical Feminists - a "superior" ability at understanding and recognizing our emotional states. Females are naturally more empathic than males because of the evolutionary process which is why you'll find that many women seem to think that men in contrast are quite cold, dull or emotionless. There you have your classic divide in human nature. Surely personal experiences may make a man or women more or less empathic, however genes serve very well as a general predictor in identifying that women on the whole are likely to be more empathic than men. Get used to it guys, that's life for ya, enjoy it!

Some Nice Articles From American Renaissance
American Renaissance is one of my most favourite news websites to visit given their excellently written articles and the useful news stories they post up every now and then. In this article written in 2003 - somewhat dated - many topics are explored, the most interesting for me being the article regarding "Race in Scandinavia" which is essentially a commentary on the state of nationalist political parties within the Scandinavian nations along with an assessment on their present [well, back in 2003] state of multicultism and the chances they have for a nationalist resurgence.

The article identifies the considerable successes of the Danish People's Party in Denmark and sees Denmark as largely being a resounding success in nationalist politics experimentation; Norway provides a mixed example in the moderate results of nationalist parties while Sweden is an outright failure. The article attributes this discrepancy due to the prolific state of censorship within Swedish media regarding immigration and especially immigrant crime - often refusing to report the background of the offender. Furthermore, Swedish nationalist parties such as the Sweden Democrats have only recently purged themselves of their former connections with neo-Nazi ilk whereas the Progress Party of Norway and the Danish People's Party of Denmark have long purged themselves of any neo-Nazi influences that they might have once had [if any at all]; also, the media in Norway and Denmark tend to be less censored than that of Sweden, particularly Denmark which is vehemently pro-Western and pro-free speech.

Given that the article is somewhat dated, it would be important to update ourselves on the failures and successes of these nationalist parties since 2003. Since 2001, the Progress Party [which in itself is probably not that nationalist, more conservative than anything else as far as I know] has nearly doubled their vote total from 14.6% and 26 seats to 22.1% and 38 seats! I'm even more elated to say that the Danish People's Party have had consecutive gains in votes since their creation in 1995 having increased from 12%/22 seats in 2001 to 13.8%/25 seats in 2007! The Danish People's Party is certainly a pro-Denmark and highly nationalist party which is encouraging to see that they can obtain such fabulous results. In Sweden, the Sweden Democrats have really surged since the article was written when they were receiving a scant 1.4% of the vote in 2002, but in the last general elections of 2006 they more than doubled their national vote to 2.9% and attained some 286 local seats throughout Sweden! They are also definitely a nationalist and pro-Swedish Sweden party. In a span of 8 years, 1998 until 2006, the SD have managed to increase their vote total from only 19,624 to an astonishing 162,463 [almost ten-fold!] and who knows what they will achieve in the next elections which are probably next year. My only fear for Sweden and to a lesser extent Norway is that it may already be too late for these nations. Approximately one in three births in Sweden are by foreigners and I'm not sure about the figure for Norway; also, the fertility rates of foreigners in Sweden is uncharacteristically [in contrast with other European nations] very high as Somalians and Iraqi women end up having on average nearly 4 children per woman! If you want to know why the "Swedish fertility rate" is so inflated, that's because it is not exactly "Swedish." Sweden is one of the most politically correct, dogmatic, self-hating, self-righteous and fervently multicultist of nations in Europe. I simply do not see them slowing down on their descent into multicultist madness and chaos anytime soon. Nonetheless, I hope for a miracle because I care - unlike multicultists - whether Swedish people survive or not; it would be an absolute travesty and human tragedy if we were to allow this unique and wonderfully distinguished people along with their customs and culture to become engulfed by the flames of self-destruction and apathy towards one's own survival.

Nonetheless, these electoral results are strikingly visible on these two graphs available on wikipedia: Graph 1 [contrast between 2002 and 2006] & Graph 2.

Unsurprisingly, their greatest amount of support are in the regions with the most multicultism, the south of Sweden. It is overall a very interesting article despite the age and well worth the read given its historical context and the valuable information it provides.

Well that's all for tonight. Hope you have all enjoyed the articles and see you next time.