Wednesday, February 18, 2009

News Recap

Ah, turns out that there are a few more news articles I would like to cover.

St. George Parade Cancelled Because it "Attracts Racists"

I warned about this in my last post, both about the insanity and irrevelance behind the word "racist," but also the manner in which it would be consequently used to justify the suppression and destruction of the native cultures of Europe. It's official now, you are not allowed to celebrate being British in Britain anymore. I'm curious just how happy are the multicultist supporting British with themselves? Was this their goal, is this what they have wanted all along? Are they really so self-hating or disrespecting of their own culture and identity?

Can anyone now honestly say that multiculturalism is still a benefit for Britain even though it bans Britain and her people from expressing their Britishness?! That is a complete paradox, how can multicultism be beneficial for Britain when it itself is one of the fiercest weapons used against deconstructing the British identity, country and culture?! It makes absolutely no sense like much of multicultist ideology. Let's speak frankly about this, the British are not benefiting from multicultism, the only one's who are happy and content with the St. George Parade and other forms of British cultural expression being banned are foreigners and others [including some British themselves] who have a vested interest in eradicating the British people, their culture and their nation off the face of the earth.

I am absolutely incredulous to hear this; here's a quote from one of the Labour MP's of city council which was responsible for withdrawing funding from the St. George Parade:

"In a letter to the organisers, one councillor, Yvonne Davies, said the parade created an 'unhealthy atmosphere' and inspired young boys to be racist.

She wrote: 'It is not only the parade which is the problem, but the tribal excitement it creates.'"

Many questions must be asked as to how in the world could an alleged "representative of the people" come up with such an outrageously non-sensical and anti-British interpretation of the parade! Yvonne Davies, eat your heart out the day Britain is no longer British and be content that you will have played a role in destroying your own people in your self-hating anti-British crusade. Feel free to pat yourself on the back. Because I believe in the principle that people should reap what they sow, for scum such as this, she should be banned from ever living in another ethnically European nation and be forced to endure what Britain will be like 40 years from now, a national ghetto.

These parades do not inculcate a sense of racism, they are an expression of national pride and if you cannot understand that while living in Britain, then move out to somewhere that will be representative of what you are trying to make Britain in to, South Africa or Zimbabwe would be an excellent start. You can also try the "no-go zones" that you have helped establish in Britain. In this comment, Mrs. Davies is explicitly trying to associate a healthy sense of patriotism with "racism" and an "unhealthy atmosphere"; if anyone is curious why she would equate the two, it is because she has absolutely no pride in being British and shows utterly no respect for those who are content to take joy and pleasure in their identity. For Mrs. Davies, being British is tantamount to being inherently "racist" and consequently, both need to be eradicated like a disease. This is why it is "unhealthy" in Mrs. Davies' opinion to express your patriotism because she frankly doesn't want you to be patriotic or prideful about Britain, that is a sin, they want you to be embarrassed for being who and what you are in your own country.

I think a fitting conclusion would be the words of Trevor Collins of the Stone Cross Saint George Association:

"To suggest the parade is racist is ridiculous and offensive. When you see the kids, the dogs, everyone out having fun, it's really a beautiful sight."

Yes, these comments are truly insulting to every British man, woman and child, to say that it is "unhealthy" and a sin for them to express pride in who they are. Mrs. Davies should be ashamed of her mindlessly politically correct self and should be barred from ever entering another European nation ever again so that she can "enjoy" the benefits of living in an alien, non-European community.

How Our Looks Reflect our Personality

It seems that based on this article, it only takes a few tenths of a second for a brain to make a character and personality judgment of a strange person solely based upon the shape and of the stranger's face! Now I can't really comment on the entire article as it is quite length but it is definitely worth a read.

We act upon these judgments because it is our evolutionary instinct to do so; these generalizations we subconsciously make are intended to keep us safe and to provide us with a general expectation on the personality of another person. I take this article as further evidence of sub-conscious genetic and evolutionary derived processes significantly influence our behaviour and our perceptions of others in the community. Combining this article with others that I've read in the past, it lends support to the notion that a population which is homogeneous in their phenotype [and hence also homogeneous in their genotype usually] is also more trustworthy of others in the community which facilitates the creation of all-important social capital. This is because we generally seem to trust faces that are similar to our own, think family, relatives etc. An entire society, especially the large modern ones that we live in cannot possibly hope to know each and every single member of the nation, hence such judgments that we instinctually make often turn out being a significant force in social and communal relations. Promoting multicultism should not come at the sacrifice of these relations by introducing foreign elements which we are instinctually less trusting of and less willing to help simply because it's part of our human nature. Any artificially and man-made ideology that pits itself against the tendencies of human nature is bound to failure and multicultism is certainly an enemy of human nature by desperately trying to reshape and change it to fit its own political and anti-European agenda.

Moderate Muslim Who Starts Muslim Show Beheads Wife!

I'm actually in shock because of this article! I could never have expected this in my worst nightmares! This story is a sadly ironic story of a Muslim man in Detroit who sought to create a TV channel where he would "teach" the non-Muslim community about what it means to be Muslim and improve the public image of Islam. Astonishingly, this businessman has been charged and convicted for beheading his wife! There is really nothing more I can say about this, I wouldn't know where to start, it's just a genuinely shocked story.

Race and Class Fuel Social Conflict on French Caribbean Islands

My main intention in highlighting this article is because of a simple phrase by Christiane Taubira. In response to saying that Guadeloupe is "not far from social apartheid," she had to emphasize that neither her nor the LKP [?] are being "racists," but rather, they are "exposing a reality." Everyone needs to bold, italicize, underline, highlight, do whatever you need to remember that quote for the next time someone accuses you and what you believe in of being "racist." Much like the first lady that we covered, Yvonne Davies who thinks every expression of "Britishness" [except a controlled and political correct one] as being unhealthy and fundamentally racist, we can use this phrase as a repudiation of her own idiocy. It would be interesting to see if this island attempts to secede from the "evil white French colonialists."

Well, that is all for now. Thank you for your time.