Just a few more sources that I've managed to collect over the past few weeks which I hope fellow ethnic nationalists may find useful.
French Muslims Refuse to Fight "Brothers"
Statistically speaking, five or so Muslim soldiers refusing to abide by military orders to be sent to Afghanistan might not seem to be much noteworthy news for ethnic nationalists such as ourselves. Dereliction of duty after all does unfortunately happen within the military. However, what we need to draw our attention to is the motive and excuse provided by these Muslim soldiers in their refusal to be sent to Afghansitan; quite simply, they refused on the grounds that they couldn't be bothered to potentially fight against their "Muslim brethren."
This statement should, for all ethnic nationalists intent upon preserving their distinct ethnoculture in Europe, evoke a great deal of consternation regarding the loyalties and efficacy of their increasingly multicultural militaries. Particularly concerned should be France considering the magnitude and frequency of the recent "immigrant youth" protests that have exploded all across the country for the better part of the last two years.
As an ethnic nationalist, one of the purposes of the state - and by far the most critical - is to preserve and cultivate the native ethnoculture of its people/the nation via various means that can be more or less broadly generalized into three categories: encouraging a conventional/traditionally high regard for maintaining one's own identity[creating a social appreciation of an identity], through the use of law that protects the language, cultural practices etc. and finally, as a means of last resort in the event that the ethnoculture of the nation is openly and directly threatened, the military. We have all seen how the cultures, traditions, values and conventions of native European societies have been almost completely abolished in the past few decades with the exception of a few superficial festivals and celebrations meant to placate the masses' desire for a semblance of an identity, no matter how fallacious or disingenuous it is. In-fact, in most European states, there has been an all-out attack upon the identities and culture of its native inhabitants consequently destroying the first tool [society itself] the state and the people have towards preserving their ethnoculture. In my last post - and also quite the prevalent theme throughout the European media - we discussed the attempts of a certain Italian Professor Giordano in attempting to incorporate certain clauses of sharia law into Swiss law to make it more "pluralistic." Already, components of sharia law have been officially implemented in Britain and in many places elsewhere, such as in France in particular where sharia law is unofficially practiced in immigrant neighbourhoods that are inaccessible to even the police! Everywhere we look, in co-ordination with the cultural assault on European native ethnocultures is an academic assault upon European law; decades ago it had already lost its purpose and basis in preserving the ethnoculture of a nation, now the politicians and left-wing academia are only finishing the job by making the law wholly alien and hostile to European people themselves by conceding to the legal demands of foreign groups with interests that are seemingly antithetical and inimical to the survival of distinct European identities. The second tool has now been eliminated.
Once these two have been overridden, there only remains one tool, the last barrier standing in the way of alienating European people and their unique ethnocultures from their homelands. At the present rate that European nation-states are dissolving themselves and committing national suicide, we are approaching this frightening prospect with increasing speed. What will happen to us when we cannot even count on our own militaries being loyal to the interests of their ethnic community? What will happen in France or in other countries once immigrant youths are no longer content with the enormous concessions we've made, won't they just start rioting as they've proven willing to do so numerous times before? Burning cars, destroying property, terrifying and killing people, that's all part of the fun of a multicultist utopia with disenchanted and increasingly aggressive and assertive immigrant communities right? What will happen when our states and we the people begin losing control of our homelands and decide to call upon the army to re-establish order? If anyone thinks that five soldiers refusing to obey orders to go into Afghanistan just because of the prospect of possibly fighting against their Muslim brothers is frightening, then what do you honestly think they will do when you tell them to get their gear, go onto the streets and fight against their own Muslim brethren, their neighbours, their childhood friends, possibly even their own family? Will we even be able to count on this fragmented, disloyal and multicorruptible [my play on "multicultural"!] army for our own security? Would they choose following the orders of a French state that they deride and perceive as being institutionally racist and discriminatory over their own families and community that they sympathize with? I think we all know the answer to this and no amount of explicit legal oaths of loyalty taken could ever pose a challenge to the unspoken oath of loyalty that people have to their community, their people, their family, their identity and their culture. The answer is "NO," they would surely follow the interests of their own ethnic community [genetic nepotism] over the directives of the French state and against the continued existence of the French people as a distinct ethnoculture.
Given the unreliability of this last tool, it would seem to spell the end of our states' capabilities at preserving our identity. This is all assuming our states will even have the temerity to actually call upon the military when their existence and the existence of our ethnocultures comes to the final question.
Above all else, this article displays precisely just how volatile and hazardous a situation our militaries presently sit in and how they will be increasingly subjected to such multichallenging pressures in the future. None of this bodes well for the existence of European nations when our customs have been destroyed, when our law is being dissolved and when our military is being fragmented.
Spanish Government Detains Six Pakistani Terrorists
This article is highly related to the above that I just commented on. Just imagine if we replaced these Spanish security investigators with Pakistani's, many of whom would likely have sympathies for the actions of these terrorists. Terrorists that threaten your life, the lives of your children, friends and other family. Is multicultism really worth that risk? Is the future of your nation so meaningless, and its past so inconsequential that you would want to put it all at risk for the petty ignorance and carelessness in the present?
BNP Immigration Workers Fired
Somehow, when I think of Mosley's desire for a Fascist British state, I can hardly imagine that he could've supported the present anti-British mulitcultist monstrosity that the United Kingdom has become. Apparently in this "great democracy" we know as the United Kingdom, two immigration workers have been fired for being members of the BNP [along with one police officer]. It seems that employees cannot be members of Combat-18, the National Front or the BNP because of the alleged "racist" tendencies of these groups. The first two I quite understand given they're mindless and frustrated neo-Nazi agitation groups, not likely that you'll find a skinhead with enough qualifications to work in immigration! However, what the British government is doing here is nothing short of fascism by discriminating against members of a legitimately recognized and politically represented party because it does not concede to the dogmatic and anti-British demands of political correctness, the national religion of the United Kingdom. I'm curious if they hold the same standards for people who join Communist parties, are they fired if they become employment officers? Probably not [although I would appreciate it if someone knew and could tell me] given they are the most extreme proponents and practitioners of political correctness. To put this all into perspective, imagine if the BNP were to ever come to power in the UK and were to fire employees who were members of the Labour Party because of the Labour Party's avowed "anti-British sentiments"! I can already hear the uproar and endless accusations of Fascism bellowing from the hordes of multicultists across the nation and even across the world. Even without parliamentary representation in the present, accusations of fascism are hurled at BNP members and the party daily; quite ironic. Yet in stark contrast, given the BNP's minority status and attacked political position, it's entirely acceptable to impose such a double standard upon them without fearing much public reprisal. Hopefully the British people will awaken and see how their liberties have been covertly eroded and their nation gradually demolished all under the watchful gaze of our Big Brother, Multicultism.
Coronation Street Episode Censors the Cross
Just a further example on the endless list of politically correct idiocy. Seems that in an episode of the British show, Coronation Street, the filmers decided to take out the cross in a church during the marriage scene for fear of "offending the audience." I run across such mindnumbingly and outrageously inane articles all the time and I've nearly run out of words to describe just how unbelievable it is that these show producers could have even conceived of a cross being "insulting" towards members of the audience. When you go to a church, you expect to see at the very least a portrait of Christ and a Cross, if it offends you, then DO NOT GO; ditto if you're going to a Mosque, if it disturbs you to see men and women separated when praying, or if it bothers you to take off your shoes when you enter a Mosque, then do not enter, have some inkling of respect for both religions. It's really quite as simple as that; political correctness is essentially a polite euphimism for politically anti-British ignorance in that the supporters of political correctness cannot stand the sight of anything that reminds them of their British heritage and identity making them quintessentially ignorant towards these fundamental aspects of the British ethnoculture and the British people. By perpetually seeking to impose their self-righteous, deluded selves upon the values and historical traditions of the British people, they prove their own ignorance and anti-British sentimentality; yet, they also display their own inherent hypocrisy by being largely ambivalent to displays of ethnic and religious pride among foreign groups, one of the greatest observable double standards within society.
The freedom to speech and expression is one of those fundamental rights that contribute to a free and European society! You cannot have a prosperous and dynamically developing nation devoid of the freedom and ability to critically challenge issues and speak out freely voicing the legitimate concerns of the citizenry. Censorship only breeds contempt and extremism among the censored and the last thing the British people need to withstand at this point is political extremism, they need political activism on behalf of their own ethnic interests.
U.S. School Segregation on the Rise
I only have a short comment on this story. The segregation of schools across America is a direct outcome of the decreasing composition of the European American population [67% of the total population, however, only 56% of the student population] and the phenomenon of "White Flight" driven by the natural tendency of ethnic nepotism. Basically, Europeans are fleeing increasingly alien, foreign and multicultural regions of the nation because of their consequently deleterious effects on the quality of the education [last paragraph in the article] that their children receive in favour of regions with a strong sense of community and culture homogeneously composed of European Americans. I predict that as the USA continues to regress into a Third World country [as Patrick Buchanan has predicted] under the onslaught of uncontrolled mass immigration, that this phenomenon of "White Flight" among Europeans Americans [and potentially even among other groups, however they also have a tendency to follow where Europeans go] will exponentially increase as Europeans seek communities and places that they can relate to without the fear of censorship for expressing who they are. We shall see what consequences this has in regard to the secession movements in certain states and how they possibly might inherit an ethnic character [i.e. predominantly European states creating their own union].
Thais Leave Boat People to Die
This is an interesting contrast to the way that Mediterranean European nations deal with their own hordes of "boat people." I'm just trying to highlight here how much criticism Spain and especially Italy under Berlusconi receives over thier overwhelmingly benevolent policy on the treatment of "Boat People. " Such a phenomenon is extremely contentious in that these nations have very limited options in dealing with these immigrants; essentially, you either let them in or shoot them and the latter is certainly not politically acceptable in the modern civilized world. The fact that Italy and Spain accomodate these foreigners at taxpayer expense alone would make any further criticisms completely unjust and unfair given the far more inconsiderate treatment rendered by Thai authorities under similar circumstances. However, we all know that the media is far from being just, fair or even rational.
FPO Politician Susanne Winter Convicted of Anti-Muslim Statement
Jihad Watch is an excellent website for those interested in critical assessments of Islam and its increasingly precarious relationship with Western European nations. I myself place little importance when it comes to religious affiliation [as long as they are not extremists of course], I would be as likely to accept Europeans of Muslim, Jewish, Christian or Buddhist etc. convictions, as long as they agree to live peacefully under the laws of the nation, in support of the native ethnoculture of the people then it's all good.
Therefore, in analyzing this excellently written article, my point of emphasis is not to attack Islam itself, instead, I am far more concerned by the precedent this conviction establishes for freedom of speech and expression in Austria. Susanne Winters was convicted of insulting Islam by claiming that Muhammad was a pedophile. This aspect itself is undeniable, he quite obviously was when he consummated his marriage with a six year old girl [age when she was married] at the age of nine [age of first intercourse], this is all historically and factually validated.Whether that reflects on his legitimacy and authority as a religious leader is not something I care so much for. Therefore, for saying something that is entirely truthful, regardless of how offensive it is to anyone, this politician was convicted for "insulting" and get this, "humiliating" a religion!!! The author makes the fabulous point that "how can you humiliate a religion? A religion has feelings?" This sort of standard is extremely frightening given that it establishes a precedent whereby the "truth is no defence" in court. If that is the case, then under what justification do we base our court proceedings, decisions and hell, the entire system on? What "feels" right at the moment? What is "politically correct/acceptable"? In this we can see the negative effects that multicultism has in eroding our once accountable and fair judicial system, one of the historical cornerstones of Western democracy.
Russia Awards "Order of Parental Glory" to Prolific Parents
I think this is an excellent way in rewarding and publicizing hard-working, child-rearing families that do more for Russia than any bachelor millionaire ever could! Extreme circumstances call for extreme measures and rewarding families medals of honour in respect for the sacrifices and benefits they are yielding for their nation should be a welcome development throughout Europe. Not only should there be a single, large, publicized national competition that rewards a single family, but more moderate prizes should be provided for competitions at a more regional level so that local families can feel that they have relatively good odds at winning a reasonable reward, something along the lines of a van for the children, or a furnishings to accomodate their household etc. In my last post, I provided a few other examples of what I would consider doing to raise the birth rates of European nations and I forgot to mention that a national holiday should be set up known as "Family Day" with organized festivals and street parades that encourage a strong sense of family throughout the nation. Also, I think this would be a terrific way at remediating the hedonistic and unabashed exhibitionism of the pointless Gay Pride Parades which only work to discourage the rearing of families.
The Rise of Mixed Race Britain
The above title is an oxymoron, there is and cannot be such a thing as a "mixed-race Britain" except in a purely geographical term because Britain itself, to be "British" is an organic and ethnically [read, GENETICALLY] founded identity. As Britain becomes gradually less and less British, then it will not be Britain at all but some strange and ambiguous amalgamation of different ethnic identities that coalesces - or at least may attempt to - into forming a heterogeneous identity totally alien to what it means to be authentically and originally British.
According to this article [I'll highlight the statistics first], 9% of people in Britain are mixed-raced and some 20% of births belong to minorities. Minorities also tend to be far younger than native Britons as the average age of ethnic Britons is well over 40 while for example, the average age of Bangladeshi's is only 21! Half of all Caribbean men are in mixed-race relationships, the same is true for 20% of African men, 10% of Indian people [men & women] and 40% of Asian women. the article predicts that African Caribbeans will disappear as a distinct people due to intermixing and that in the future, this intermixture of races may "raise future hopes of a non-racist Britin" because people in the future "will not see race in the way we see it."
This is all to say that they won't see British people and Britain the way we see it because frankly, British people themselves will perhaps already have lost their dominance in the geographically ascribed territory we know as "Britain." This article is doing nothing short of praising the disappearance of the ethnic British community as a distinct people as a wonderful and inevitable trend that should be openly desired by any and all who seek a "non-racist" future. Does anyone else sense an ever so slight hint of "hypocrisy" here, deriding both "racism" and yet attacking in quite an explicitly racist manner the existence of the ethnic British community as being fundamentally conducive and instinctually directed towards "racism"?! Essentially saying that as long as you remain British and as long as Britain retains its British character, it will be fundamentally "racist," we need something "non-British" to make Britain "non-racist"; I'm curious if they apply the same standard to homogeneous East Asian countries and are willing to exalt the benefits of a gradually disappearing Korean, Chinese and Japanese ethnic community! Imagine the look on their faces if you were to tell them that Japan would be better off if only they could all marry Indians, Nigerians, Swedes and Egyptians; I can scarcely imagine a comment as insulting as that, they would probably send you to an insane asylum.
Let's make this clear, the wider ethnic Caribbean community will not disappear via intermixture, however, the Caribbean community within Britain may disappear. The reason for this is because Caribbean people will still on the whole exist and have a homeland where they can freely celebrate their culture and history, yet, will we be able to say the same for the British once the advent of this post-racial Britain comes to a finality? No. The British people will scarcely exist in the future as a distinct community with a homeland where they are free to celebrate their own heritage and history. Furthermore, unlike the Caribbeans, the British will have nowhere else to go given the similar trends in practically all European countries elsewhere. We may find an entire race of people, all Europeans dispossessed from their own lands! How wonderful a post-racial world sounds right? Far more accurate a term for the future being idealistically characterized as a "non-racist Britain" would be to consider that it will in actuality be a "non-British Britain"! But after all, that's all part of the Multicultist plan and agenda because as one of their admired leftist heroes once said [Stalin], "no people, no problem." This is what the article is really calling and celebrating for. These developments should not be treated with warm hearts, but a great deal of consternation for we face the disappearance of the British people.
Globalism vs. Ethnonationalism
A relatively good article written by one of of the few people involved in politics that I can relate with and more or less support, Patrick Buchanan. It cites numerous instances over the past year of ethnonationalist inspired events throughout the world that displays its continued relevance to political, economic and social discussions everywhere. Just an interesting read, but I particularly like the last paragraph as it relates to the above Post-Racial Britain that I discussed:
"Are we really in a post-racial America, or is our multicultural multiethnic America, too, destined for Balkanization and break-up?"
We should all ask ourselves the same question in each of our respective nations. Has ethnic nationalism simply disappeared as a viable force in international and domestic politics...or is it so dominant and ubiquitous that we have become oblivious to its existence as an instrinsic component of our everyday lives?
Ten Politically Incorrect Truths About Human Nature
An entertaining and very truthful article expressing precisely my sentiments when it comes to the influence that our evolution and ethnic heritage has in influencing our actions and interpretation of the world:
"In contrast, evolutionary psychologists see human nature as a collection of psychological adaptations that often operate beneath conscious thinking to solve problems of survival and reproduction by predisposing us to think or feel in certain ways. Our preference for sweets and fats is an evolved psychological mechanism. We do not consciously choose to like sweets and fats; they just taste good to us."
However I should make the caveat that our decisions are not entirely irrational or based in human nature either, the social scientist argument that our personal experiences influence our actions does have its own degree of validity as well. The point is that both are components of human behaviour and neither one accounts entirely for the other.
Ah, what a breath of fresh air this article provides:
"The implications of some of the ideas in this article may seem immoral, contrary to our ideals, or offensive. We state them because they are true, supported by documented scientific evidence. Like it or not, human nature is simply not politically correct."
Go on, this article is too long to summarize, but I highly recommend that all read it both for its educational purposes but also its quality of humour.
Genome-Wide Genetic Signature of Jewish Ancestry
Further proof that the ancestry of people can assuredly be confined into groupings even among a complex case such as Jewish people. What's interesting is that they form a unique group that is intermediate between Middle Easterners and Europeans. Furthermore, the report makes quite the impressive claim that the researchers can:
"it is possible to predict full Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry with 100% sensitivity and 100% specificity" [P. 11]
However they also make the point that the "exact" divide between Jew and non-Jew somewhat fluctuates pending upon the sample sets provided. Nonetheless, this article displays the striking accuracy with which genomic studies can predict the ancestry of an individual. Even now, I've read studies that have analyzed the ethnic differences between populations as close as those of the Germans and the French! Quite remarkable stuff.
Y Haplogroup I Is Less Resistant to HIV
More genetic articles regarding how our genetic coding has tangible effects upon our daily lives. Often times, our genes are a very good indicator towards estimating the likelihood of a certain individual in being prone to a specific disease, or suffer from a stroke and other inheritable genetic traits. Our genetic coding also has a significant effect on the way we interact with other human beings, how we survive [as illustrated in this paper, not too well if you're Hg I and have AIDS unfortunately]; an interesting way to think about it is that we are simply organic machines and our genes are our genetic "computer" coding/programming. We can only think, do and experience in so much as our programming and our genes allow us; clearly for example, we cannot experience the genuine feeling of true flight no matter how socialized we are to flying in an airplane because our genes simply don't give us the provisions necessary for flight. Certainly I'd say that our life experiences influence our actions and thoughts as well, but one could make the argument that those themselves were only made possible within the realms of our genetic coding. In essence, our previous experience was in itself also made as an explicit decision whose roots were in our genetic coding. For example, say you live in a society that finds blonde women as being the ultimate expression of beauty. Being exposed to this socializing influence will undoubtedly affect the future decisions you make in choosing who you shall date, a blonde or a non-blonde. However, under the argument that I just made, you would have to ask how that explicit decision to identify blondes as the ultimate form of beauty came to be and I suppose that under such a genetic determinist position, you would say that we are naturally/genetically predisposed to favouring blondes anyways and hence being naturalized towards prefering blondes via our genes is translated into creating a society that consequently socializes people into prefering blondes, hence only reinforcing our genetic orientation.
The only problem to the above argument is a chicken or the egg question whereby we have to ask ourselves...well, how did these certain genes [the ones that prefer blondes] become the dominant ones that created society in the first place? Perhaps the society that they lived in itself favoured them and hence made them more prolific and populous later on making such genes dominant therefore showing how socialization might have an influence or naturalization; essentially this is the opposite effect of what I illustrated earlier. However, as the final counter-counterargument to that, I would say that before you can even consider what came first, naturalization [genes] or socialization [society], I think you'd have to simplify it to the two base elements I put in brackets. Without society, our genes [we as people] can still biologically exist, however, without any genes, there can be no society and hence I would probably concur based on a "genetic determinist" position that genes are the ultimate and original force in human behaviour and that socialization itself is but an expression of our genetic naturalization! Quite the complex stuff! A very interesting debate though!
This is only a position that I am theorizing with; I do not yet support it because I'd like to find greater evidence and research more into the topic. However, it does provide an interesting alternative insight.
French Immigrants to be Tested for DNA
An excellent plan by the French to verify whether immigrants truly do have family connections with those that they claim they do. I wouldn't mind this becoming a standard policy all throughuot Europe as the article says that from West African nations like Senegal, some 80% of the documents are forged. Certainly, the Mediterranean nations suffer the greatest from these forgeries and would definitely need to use such a policy the most, however I think that DNA testing on the whole may be able to be extended to immigration policy in its entirety. If the goal of a certain nation is for example to let in only European immigrants, then DNA testing would seem to be the only objective and unbiased form of decoding who is and who is not European. We shall see how this French policy shall do and what repercussions it will have in Europe; unfortunately, I do not believe that it will be replicated elsewhere in Europe as the governments have long lost any semblance of virtues such as rationality or common sense that the electorate once took for granted in their representatives.
Sarkozy Set to Enforce Miscegenation
A shocking translation of a speech that French President Sarkozy gave in 2008 in which he is threatening to forcefully impose miscegenation upon the French public as a political policy!!! He says that:
"it will be necessary for the Republic to resort to even more forcible methods"
when speaking of encouraging miscegenation; he further goes on in his rhetoric to state that diversity and the miscegenation of the French people:
"is not a choice. It is an obligation. It is an imperative. We cannot do otherwise at the risk of finding ourselves faced with considerable problems. We must change, so we will change."
All of this sounds darkly reminiscent to the comments made by Professor Giordano which I highlighted just a few days ago where they provide no choice and by all means believe that we must change ourselves and only ourselves, that we should not continue to be the individual and unique French, Italian or German people that we are; instead, we need to concede to the demands of an increasingly assertive and hostile foreign element which seeks to enforce upon us their own identity and heritage. That is "diversity" people, destroying German, Italian, French etc. cultures and replacing them with the same old mishmash of Turk, Moroccan, Algerian and other foreign influences. Sounds like us Europeans are being ripped off!
Now onto breaking down his quote. Firstly, of course we have a choice, we can choose to either live as the Frenchman that we are or we can cower underneath our beds and in our rooms as immigrant youths protest outside, shoot our policemen who are serving their nation and then burn our car all without as much as a meagre whimper. Looks like Sarkozy has embarked upon the path of the latter and France is well on its way to disappearing under the deluge of diversity. Furthermore, France and the French people are under no form of moral imperative or obligation to physically and culturally change themselves!!! Exactly who is giving you these instructions and obligations Mr. Sarkozy, the tiny voice in your head, why are you not following the desires of your electorate, yes, the one's who have no problem in not changing themselves and in staying the way they are, as Frenchmen and women? I honestly don't know anymore out of what hole this garbage came out of, it sounds so absurd! If you want to know why you'll be faced with considerable problems in the future, perhaps it's because you YOURSELF are the one who is doing nothing to stop the problems right now: mass immigration, political correctness and multicultism! The solution to this problem is not by mixing 60 million French with millions upon millions of imported immigrants unless that is your Final Solution to the problem that you have with the existence of the French as a distinct ethnocultural grouping! However, if you are talking about a problem that threatens the existence of the French Republic as we know it then clearly the best solution for that problem would be to simply remake the French Republic FRENCH once again! Imagine a day when you don't have to deal with obnoxious and arrogant immigrant youths destroying property, harming your citizenry and displaying your true political incompetence in the face of the voting public day in and day out! Can you just imagine a....wait for it...a French France, not the declining political unit that we call "France," you know, that large piece of dirt in Western Europe with a name [France] but without an identity [certainly not French!]. Yea, that one. There you go, problem solved Mr. Sarkozy; I can't believe I didn't make his cabinet...
Sarkozy also goes onto to say throughout the speech that France has always been a leader in the mixture of cultures and people into a single "universal French identity." This empty rhetoric is quite similar to the irrational claim of multicultists that we're "all immigrants." Certainly, such claims do have an ever so slight measure of truth, Europeans did technically "immigrate" into Europe....albeit 40,000 years ago, however this does not translate that well into the realm of practicality and has its limits. Sure, you can say that my ancestors were "immigrants" themselves for having migrated into Europe 40,000 years ago, however such a claim does not share the same meaning or relevance as if it were applied to an immigrant who has migrated in just the past year; practically speaking, only the latter is a "true" immigrant, the former has produced hundreds of generations of native descendents. It's about as mindnumbingly stupid as saying that "we're all Black" at some point or another, it's just too much of a stretch to be a respectable statement. This also applies to Sarkozy's comment; sure, France has seen the admixture of Gauls, Romans, Germanics, Normans etc. both physically and culturally yet none of this can compare to what he is proposing now, the complete admixture of the entire French population with people who are so much more culturally and physically foreign to the French than previous foreign elements, that it could only spell the end for the French identity. What the Romans, the Gauls, the Normans and the Germanics had in common was a relatively similar physical identity, you could ascribe the title of "European" to all of these groups, along with an intricately related political history which established cultural relations with one another making it more or less impossible to dinstinguish a third-generation Germanic Frenchman from a native Gaul! Or, as my History professor says: you can't tell the difference between an Englishman and an English suit on a Ukrainian! Like I said, saying that France was a locus for cultural mixing and then applying it to the modern context of Sarkozy's speech is an impractical stretch.
Perhaps what I find most insulting about his speech though - apart from the sheer arrogance, anti-French hate & disrespect and naivite - is his claim that:
"consanguinity has always provoked the end of civilizations and societies"
I don't exactly have a counter for everytime a civilization has ever fallen so that I can tabulate the statistics and find out what the right answer is. However, it only takes an elementary intellect to realize how such a conclusion is illogical. I can scarcely find any reason to believe that an entire nation and civilization could implode from the inside solely due to its homogeneity! How does a nation being consisted of a single people with a single identity and culture harm themselves internally? How can they bring about their own downfall? Is it not more likely that by incorporating potentially hostile and unassimilable people, culture, traditions, values etc. into a society that that will lead to the destabilization of the civilization and society. Anyone care to look at Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, the USSR, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the British Empire [hell, all multiethnic Empires] etc. Contrast that with the relative stability of nation-states-->Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Canada up until the mid-2oth century, Japan and several others; most of the examples of peaceful, homogeneous nations are a relatively recent phenomenon given the 20th century re-organization into ethnic states because of the collapse of imperialism and the spread of democracy. It is precisely the destabilizing effects of introducing something foreign and alien into a culture that leads to internal conflict, unrest and ultimately destruction as we see before us in Europe, allowing Europe to be European will not lead to its demise. Therefore, consanguinity more often than not is a force that that enables the creation of successful and prosperous societies and civilizations, it is not their destroyer.
I suppose that the largest concern people have towards ethnic nationalism is that they believe it inevitably fosters Fascism, chauvinism, supremacism and then imperialistic wars. However, I believe that such concerns have been largely mitigated given how ethnic nationalism has been tempered and moderated by past historical experiences [the World War's] along with having the institution of democracy enforcing public accountability on its politicians that dissuades them from engaging in war [Democratic Peace Theory].
British Students Increasingly Don't Speak English as First Language
A pretty useful article when it comes to statistics and impressing upon us the gravity of the situation for English schools. There are 10 schools in England where there is not a single native English speaker and a further 591 schools are in a situation where 70% of the students do not speak English as their first language! One in seven students [14%] of students do not speak English as a first language and this has put tremendous strains upon the public education system in providing sufficient funding for the special needs of these children. Furthermore, concern should also be directed towards the very likely possibility that having such a high proportion of non-British schoolchildren within these schools retards and degrades the education that the native British pupils will receive. This article contains nothing quite so contentious as the ones above, however the statistics themselves are worth highlighting.
Australia Rapidly Becoming a Colony of Asia
Once again, another article I chose to report on because of the significance of its statistic. Asians are now the largest minority within Australia having eclipsed the native aboriginees and Asian countries constitute six of the ten most popular origins of immigrants. Out of 21 million inhabitants, Australia is home to 4.4 million people who have been born abroad [21%] making it one of the most multicultural European nations in the world, slightly behind only Canada [22/23%] and the USA [33%] as far as I know [not sure of New Zealand]. Notice why I said in one of my very first posts that I expect the Anglo-Saxon countries to be the first ones to submerge beneath the drowning tide of multicultism. Furthermore, the figure of 4.4 million doesn't take into consideration the hundreds of thousands of offspring these foreigners have had so the percentage is likely to be quite higher. In the USA, given present estimates, Europeans are expected to become an absolute minority by 2042 [my prediction is far sooner, perhaps 2032-2035] however in the under-18 category, Europeans are slated to become a minority sometime in the mid 2020's and unfortunately, I don't believe that Australia will be much farther off.
German Study Shows Lack of Integration Among Immigrants
In stark contrast to the Anglo-Saxon countries above, I believe that Germany has one of the best chances of all the Continental European nations to embrace once again their identity. Just last year in neighbouring Austria, right-wing nationalist parties received nearly 30% of the total vote to become the third and fourth largest parties in the parliament. Unfortunately, Germany lacks such a moderate, respectable nationalist party like the FPO or BZO in Austria; they're far too hampered by the extremist antics of the NPD and DVU which has only served to deligitimize the entire nationalist movement within Germany. This is not to mention the Republicans who have drastically fallen into obscurity in the West, struggling to score even 2% in some of the Western strongholds that it formerly represented in Parliament. Good news is coming in the guise of citizens movements such as the Pro Koln and subsequent Pro NRW group; there is even talk of creating "Pro" regional parties in all of Germany's Lander which would amalgamate into a wider Pro Deutschland party of moderate minded ethnic nationalists! If I'm not mistaken, elections for the NordRhein-Westfalen Land are set for this year's summer so we shall see how the party will perform given it was only created a year or two ago.
Further reason why I believe Germany has some of the best prospects in overcoming the asphyxiating clench of multicultism is because of the strong emphasis that Germanic countries in Europe have traditionally placed upon the concept of jus sanguinus [citizenship by blood, aka ethnic origin] as opposed to the jus soli [citizenship by place of birth] widely used in the Anglo-Saxon Countries. This makes attaining citizenship in Germany notoriously difficult to do for non-Germans and those who are non-German only become eligible for citizenship after residing in Germany for a number of years. Despite decades of forced guilt and of being told about the injustices and crimes of their forefathers, I still have high hopes that Germans and Austrians alike will embrace who they are as they have time and time and time again overcome extreme adversity and up until the latter half of the 20th century, managed to maintain a very strong tradition of ethnic pride.
My only concern with Germany and Austria remains with their precariously low fertility rate of approximately 1.40 for both nations, this is even below the European average of 1.5! I have high hopes for very few other Western nations [Eastern nations at the moment are not under threat of losing their identity due to Communism sparing them from multicultism for numerous decades]among them includes Denmark [Danish People's Party], as previously mentioned, Germany and Austria along with Flanders [if it ever retains independence with the Vlaams Blok], Switzerland [Swiss People's Party, another nation with stringest citizenship measures, however over 20% of the population is of foreign origin] and Italy. I see that the Sweden Democrats are making some progress in Sweden, but it may already be too late; Norway I'm not so sure about; Britain is in one of the worst situations as is Belgium, France and Spain.
In any case, following my tirade, the article I've chosen is illustrating the lack of integration among immigrants in Germany, highlighting particularly the lack of assimilation on the part of Turks who scored the lowest; unsurprisingly, immigrants from fellow EU nations and ethnic Germans from the East had the highest rate of integration. This lack of integration is costing Germany $20 billion a year according to the article; imagine if Germany did not have to deal with the problems of integrating millions of unassimilable immigrants, they could afford to use that $20 billion in a Pro Natality program that would offer monetary incentives for German couples to procreate hence solving the largest problem I believe that they face, a birth deficit! Why can they simply not go along the simpler, German path of keeping Germany German [simple isn't it...]...why do these politicians feel the irrational compulsion to import millions upon millions of non-Germans that will forever alter their nation into something totally un-German!?
It's estimated that some 30% of Turkish immigrants and their children leave school without a school certificate and only 14% pass the Abitur Exam which is necessary to go onto tertiary studies. This is slightly less than half the average of the German population! In-fact, the quality of their education is so atrocious that 2/3's of all immigrant children [not just Turks] cannot properly read at the end of their fourth year in school. It's encouraging to note that more than 50% of Germans think that there are too many immigrants in the country, hopefully they will take action by voting in the coming years for nationalist parties as they witness the decline and betrayal of their homeland.
The Rise of the Right in Europe
Although this article is seemingly written by a self-deluded multicultist deriding legitimate and moderate nationalist parties such as the FPO and BZO in Austria as being characteristic of a new "far-right" trend in Europe [he should really take a look at their platforms instead of making such ignorant remarks], it does however contain much in the way of useful statistics that we can use as further evidence to prove our arguments.
This article focuses mostly on the tense relationship Europeans generally have with Muslim immigrants and provides statistics showing that 52% of Spaniards have a negative opinion of Muslims, a sentiment shared by 50% of Germans, 46% of Poles and 38% of French which is quite surprising given the recent protests mostly by Islamic youths in France. I would've thought that this would be higher. In the Netherlands and Denmark, 67% and 80% of the people believe that the growing interaction between the Muslim world and the West is a menace to freedom.
Unfortunately, the article also reveals that 30% of German women choose to be childless and that figure increases to 40% when we count educated women! All the more reason to reduce pensions to 50% and 75% for women who have no children or a single child, all we would need to do is for these women to have at least a single child.
Further useful statistics include the rate of reliance upon benefits by immigrants. For example, in Denmark, 5% of the population is from the Middle East yet they constitute 40% of all welfare outleys. Imagine being able to cut the expenditures on these welfare outlays by 40%!!! Furthermore, 15% of Moroccan emigrants in Norway are on a disability plan when a quarter of them have not even returned to their own country! Up to 50% of all immigrants in Norway are on some form of welfare assistance. In the Netherlands, some 33% of foreigners are unemployed and reliant upon benefits. Imagine just how much could be saved had Europeans nations not embarked upon their self-righteous crusade of diversity and national extermination. We would no longer need to import any immigrants as we could use the money saved to fund a native pro-natality program that would yield far greater benefits for the entire nation without the worry of integrating these people.
Muslim Population Grows 10 Times Faster Than Average
Quite the thought provoking and eye-catching title ain't it! Well it's also astonishingly true! Since 2004, the Muslim population has grown by half a million to 2.4 million in total. In the same time, the number of Christians in the country fell by 2 million and the largest cohort of Christians in the UK are among the over-70's while for the Muslims, it's the under 4's. Some 301,000 Muslims are under the age of 4. Not only does this pose a challenge for the preservation of traditional British culture, but it also places immense pressures on material things such as providing funding for education and housing for families, an issue which is already huge within Britain.
New Regulation of Islamic Education in Austria
Yet another reason why I have high hopes for Austrians reclaiming their nearly lost lands. It seems that after a recent survey showed that some quarter to a third of all Islamic teachers believe that Islam is not compatible with democracy, there has been an uproar amongst all the parties of the Austrian parliament, even the Greens are enraged! The reforms initiated have banned a schoolbok that exalted and praised suicide bombers, all further teaching materials will be regulated and the teachers themselves will need a mandatory public education before they can teach pupils. Go FPO! Finally, some genuine progress in Europe that Europeans can be proud of. It's been long overdue. A nice way of ending off on some positive news.
I suppose that's enough for today.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
News Recap Continued!
Posted by Zeek at 12:56 PM
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