Thursday, February 5, 2009

News Recap for the Last Half of January

Hello everyone once again. It's been about half a month since my last post and my sincere apologies; as I said, I was constrained by severe technical difficulties so I hope to re-start a steady stream of posts in earnest aiming for at least one update every week. Alright, despite all this, I have managed to save a few important sources of news that I believe many fellow ethnic nationalists would benefit from. Here they are:

Muslims boycott Aldi, Lidl supermarkets
Quite self-explanatory; "Dutch" Muslims encouraging a boycott on two German supermarket chains because they believed that their turnover was destined for Israel. I decided to highlight this article in order to emphasize the group solidarity that Muslims generally share. Despite the "Dutch" Muslim community being primarily composed of two different ethnic groups [Moroccans and Turks], the sense of community which all ethnic nationalists know is critical amongst these two ethnocultures united by religion is admirable and desirable in comparison to the lack of self-identity and culture amongst the Dutch.

It's truly a sad reflection of the state the Dutch people themselves are in and the threat that this form of ethnocultural disunity poses towards their future existence as a distinct people. They are too divided to take the unitary action necessary to criticize multicultism within their own society and establish a secure future for themselves. Contrast that to the burgeoning Muslim community in the Netherlands who do feel quite the strong sense of community solidarity and are willing to act more or less as a group with certain goals and desires that unite them all. Mind you that this is occuring while Muslims are but a small portion of Dutch society, probably in and around 10% [obviously, this is considerably greater among the younger generations], just imagine the form of political and economic power that this united group will wield when their share of the population grows to 30, or 40 or perhaps even 50% of the population in the coming decades! If anyone else remembers the attempted anti-Islamization Rally of either 2008 or 2007, not quite sure at the moment, but in any case, the police decided to close it down because of threats of violence from Muslims. Already, Muslims exercise considerable electoral power in certain regions [also the case in neighbouring Belgium and particularly Brussels] with certain mayors openly pandering to Muslim demands out of fear of alienating their Muslim electorate.

Soon, the Dutch will have effectively lost their one and only homeland, something that is actively cheered and celebrated by anti-European multicultists for making the world a "better place. " Ah, what is dispossessing and destroying the Dutch ethnocultural identity and community anyways, just another day in the life of an ignorant, dogmatic multicultist.

Muslims Want Their Own Town District in Amsterdam
As a corrolary to my commentary on the above article, yet again we're faced with Muslims pressing their political demands upon restructuring the administration of Amsterdam-West in order to create an essentially homogeneously Muslim district. This is all in an effort to consolidate the Islamic community within the Netherlands and to enhance the authority of Islamic culture and customs as a parallel society that will increasingly impose themselves on the wider Dutch community and demand greater concessions. This I believe may only be the beginning; laced with good intentions of "fostering social capital" among the Muslim community and what-not, when it comes down to a question of the survival of the Dutch people, no degree of good intentions within the Muslim community could ever justify to me why the Dutch people need to be thrown off of their land and have their distinct culture and history effectively replaced and erased. The same argument applies to "culturally enriching" the Dutch people via "diversity" and "multicultism," these good intentions ultimately only seek to rationalize and trivialize the downfall of Dutch society and the Dutch people so that the Dutch themselves don't even realize what's happening to them.

Number of British Migrant Workers Underestimated
Wow, what a mindblower of an article. Some great statistics in this one for interested British ethnic nationalists. Remember that great, outrageously idealistic and fallacious argument made by delusional multicultists that mass immigration "does not take jobs away from the natives" in a meagre effort at reassuring our entirely understandable concerns? Well, turns the rest of the multicultist case that this statement is bogus as well.

One in seven jobs are allocated to foreign workers! What's most remarkable of all is that this does not even include temporary foreign workers in the statistic while British workers who hold a job only for a few months are considered as being employed! Including just the number of foreign temporary workers, the figure of foreign workers in Britain would rise from 12.5 to 13%. Probably the most telling of statistics provided in this article would be the figure of 320,000 jobs being created between September 2006 and September of 2008. Remarkably, during that time, a total of 469,000 migrants became employed while 149,000 British workers lost their jobs. The gist is that uncontrolled mass immigration is having a definitive and tangible impact upon the British economy and especially the security of British jobs for native British workers; contrary to what the multicultists would have us believe, British jobs for British people are being lost to migrant workers and there's no longer a way for them to squirm around this fact any longer!

Genes Give Africans a Better Sense of Smell
Why am I highlighting this article? In the future I'll be using genetic discoveries a lot as a means of supporting my argument for ethnic and genetic nepotism, the general tendency for people to prefer their own kind and agglomerate into groups and communities based on not only a common cultural heritage [nurture], but also a common genetic/ethnic background[nature]. Has anyone ever wondered why Germans lived among Germans and Tibetans among Tibetans for millennia as opposed to finding Tibetans and Germans randomly mixing together into communities? Well, there's your answer, a composite of cultural and genetic similarity. This genetic desire to be a part of a community among others who look like ourselves is largely a subconscious process that is an inherent component of our human nature. Basically, by highlighting just how important certain genetic processes are in determining for example who we are likely to date [physical appearance etc.], how we perceive certain smells, how we hear, how our bodies react differently to certain conditions etc. I hope to display that genetics does play an integral role in the functioning of individuals & communities and hence is a major component of society and culture.

Oslo: Proposal for Muslim Elementary School
A private Muslim Elementary School is being started in Oslo as a means of preventing the extremist indoctrination that Muslim pupils would otherwise likely receive from studying abroad. I don't have that much to say about this, if they want to establish a private school not funded by the taxpayers that is kept in-check by the government, I don't really see a problem. However, that is only my idealist side talking through; in all likelihood, this will create a precedent for the formation of even more private Muslim schools that will foment a sense of segregation between Norwegians and Muslims. As an ethnic nationalist, I find segregation to be one of the worst possible social models that a state can be based on; it does not solve any problems to separate two distinct people within a single state, that only breeds distrust and animosity between the two, it is far more desirable to create two separate nation-states, however I would not even advise this for the Norwegians, Norway is or at least should be entirely theirs! Also, I have a fear that despite government checks on the school, the school will continue to provide a potential risk for the radicalisation of Muslim youths domestically! If I remember correctly, it was either in France, Belgium or the Netherlands [haha, quite the leeway I've provided] where Islamic schools were shown to have completely disregarded and improperly spent public funding on totally unnecessary school field trips. Just some food for thought.

Swiss Professor Calls for Sharia Law!
Ugh, yet another malicious and mindnumbingly outrageous proposal by a native European so dogmatic in their multicultism that they're freely willing to support and promote their own decline. Basically, this Swiss Professor is asking that certain concepts of sharia law be implemented in Swiss Law as a means of providing "legal pluralism" in his own words. Sure, it starts at legal pluralism and then it ends in the Swiss being legally displaced from their own country! The last thing European nations need to do is to continue conceding ever more as their population dies out and as they are being replaced by foreigners in their homelands. We all know how this will eventually end, as the old saying goes: "you give an inch, they'll take a mile" more or less.

What ticks me off perhaps the most however is the justification he gives for making natives adapt to foreign demands as opposed to the other way around; when referring to foreigners, he says that "I think some people - not everybody, but some people - are embedded in their culture and I don't think you can force them to change their identity." Thank you for the double standard, so instead of making the 20% or so of the Swiss population which is of foreign origin adapt to Swiss customs, instead, Giordano recommends that the 80% of the native Swiss population simply forget...or rather, seemingly be forced to forget and change their identity by adapting to the foreign law he is supporting! For all the accusations of hate speech that multicultists dish out to us ethnic nationalists, I think that what was just uttered by this multicultist is quite possibly one of the most hateful and disrespectful things anyone can suggest towards a native population. The Swiss, and not the foreigners should change themselves because I suppose that their identity has become so deconstructed by multicultists such as yourself Mr. Giordano that they are no longer "embedded" in what might be called a unified or distinct Swiss culture. Much like in the rest of Europe, expressions of national pride and culture are heavily suppressed precisely because of the measures that Mr. Giordano is proposing!

Let me make this clear, this statement applies to all native people living peacefully within their own homeland, not just the Swiss or Europeans, but all people from every corner of the world: NATIVES DO NOT HAVE ANY OBLIGATION WHATSOEVER TO CHANGE THEMSELVES IN ORDER TO ACCOMODATE THE ARROGANT DEMANDS OF FOREIGNERS IN THEIR OWN HOMELAND. If I were a respectful immigrant to any nation in the world, be it Switzerland, China, Nigeria et al. it would only be right for me to adapt to the lifestyle of the natives of that nation, they are not under any moral obligation to accomodate me or my former lifestyle. The reason why I chose to migrate into such a nation would be to experience a new lifestyle and leave my old one, which I found to be undesirable behind. For example, you do not escape Somalia's fratricidal clan wars to come to Canada so as to continue the clan conflicts, no, you come to Canada to experience the peace and tranquility of what it means to be Canadian.

NHS Makes Ridiculous Multicultist Concessions
While on the topic of concessions, I think it would be an absolute travesty for British ethnic nationalists to miss out on this article! Goodness gracious, I wouldn't even know where to begin as this article cites countless instances of the NHS pandering to religious and cultural diversity in order to further burden their already overstressed doctors and nurses. Don't the doctors and nurses have enough to worry about in keeping their patients alive!!! Let alone having to be concerned with the more trivial matters of learning about the "concept of sin" [yes, that's right, doctors apparently need an intricate knowledge of sin to conduct open heart surgery...] not to mention demonic possession, exorcism and Paganist/Shamanist beliefs! How much more multicultist lunacy will you put on the plates and force down the necks of these unfortunate physicians?! I know quite a few medical students in my university and they are overwhelmed enough as it is having to know the complexities and intricacies of what keeps us alive let alone being engulfed in debates over cultural customs and practices; the least we can do is learn to have a little tolerance, yes, I said TOLERANCE , when it comes to these doctors spending countless nights awake saving the lives of people! Can we not set aside our religious or cultural traditions and convictions for the few hours in which that doctor is saving your life or the life of someone you care for? Would someone really be so vain or disrespectful as to force a doctor to adhere to their personal standards when they are doing THEM a service by saving their life?! It truly boggles the mind!

And guess what grounds the NHS used to justify these outrageously and stupendously stupid rules? These were written in order to, and I quote "comply with new equality and human rights laws that entitle everyone to freedom of discrimination on grounds of their faith." I'm positively sure that the last thing a female nurse, that is not wearing a burqa or hijab and is trying to save your life, would think about is how to "discriminate" the Muslim patient by not wearing appropriate Islamic dress...How insufferably intolerant of the patient. What about the human right for that female nurse to dress in whatever garb she desires [preferrably, one conducive to the workplace environment]. This is not a step too far in the direction of politically correct idiocy, but a leap into the abyss of intolerance and hypocrisy.

Italian Reaction to Immigration
This article is not quite as significant as the others that I've mentioned, but I'm highlighting it nonetheless only for its very last paragraph:

"Touadi, the parliamentarian, says Italy must realize it's no longer a monocultural society. Italians have to work hard — in society, schools and the media — to raise a "new generation" of Italians and to change behavior and language. A cultural transition must come first, and a political transition will follow, he says."

Let's just casually break this down, many of the themes I've already discussed before, however comments such as these must be ruthlessly put down and exposed for being the hate-filled rhetoric that they actually are. There's a problem with the first sentence, Italians are under no obligation to consent to the destruction and dilution of their monocultural society, they "must" not change themselves in any way, there is ABSOLUTELY no need to do so regardless of what Mr. Touadi would say. Related to this point is that the Italians need not create and/or change an entire generation of Italians into being embarrassed for being and celebrating Italian heritage or culture; they do not need such a "lost generation" as there is in Canada or the USA, two nations that are practically devoid of any form of ethnic high culture to speak off; where money is God and culture is nothing...well, except for pop culture that is. In order to ensure an Italy, today, tomorrow and everyday thereafter, Italian youths should be encouraged in expressing their own pride in their identity, not forced to feel a sense of shame or guilt as Mr. Touadi is subtlely suggesting. Lastly, with regard to his "cultural transition" coming first before a "political transition," please, readers, do not be fooled by the seemingly good and idealistic intentions of this multicultist; what he simply means to say is that first, Italy needs a demographic transition from a European Italian nation into one composed mostly of foreign elements, and once Italians become a minority within Italy, then the much hailed political transition will follow which is just another euphimism for expelling Italians from Italy and henceforth dispossessing them from their homeland. Oh, may I make the point that Mr. Touadi is himself from the Congo, now we know what his motive is.

Creator of Birth Control Pill Laments Low Birth Rate in Europe
Ah, finally...some encouraging news in a sort of sad, sombre way. Finally we've found a voice of reason amidst all this multicultist clammering and sheer stupidity; one of the main founders of the birth control bill [Carl Djerassi] is worried about the demographic imbalance in Europe citing that modern-day youths who fail to procreate are committing "national suicide." Only part of the blame should be shifted towards the actual birth control pill, however I think what is more important would be the cultural transformation in the understanding of what a family is, its role, its importance etc. In the modern-day state of mass culture that we live in, sexuality has been completely removed from reproduction as Mr. Djerassi says because youths no longer place any degree of importance on the continuity of former cultural values and traditions that saw families as a valuable and integral component that was necessary for any society to properly function. These days, my generation is unfortunately far more concerned about how they can derive the greatest amount of pleasure from life, whether that is through partying excessively, doing drugs, being overly sexually promiscuous with absolutely no conception of dedication or commitment to a man/woman, remaining single until their 30's, holding off on having children in favour of hedonistically pleasuring yourself ever more and lastly, choosing to neglect children even when you have them because you ultimately never matured enough to think beyond yourself and see having kids as being a drag. I can say this all from experience, living amidst this lost generation that I so pejoratively speak of. There is absolutely no inkling or even the slightest hint of a consideration of creating a sustainable reproductive future for the nation and the culture that they live in.

At this point, drastic measures are necessary in order combat the impending demographic implosion that Europe faces. This will be my last post of the night, but before I go, I want to provide a few of my solutions to the above problem. The problem is one that is rooted in both intangible [cultural values and consideration, or a lack thereof] and tangible causes [i.e. money, resources etc.]. Tangibly, many couples are delaying having children because they cannot support a family. This is the simplest measure that can be employed in at least alleviating this problem: monthly payments or at least tax reductions based on the number of children had. The compensation would increase as the family has more children [i.e. for the first child, they would receive 200euros/month, for their second, they would get 300 euros/month which totals to 500euros/month for two children etc.]. Furthermore, bonuses in compensation would be provided for couples with higher education degrees [pretty much anything above secondary education] to procreate because we don't just need babies, we need productive babies. Also, the rate of compensation would be graduated based on the heritage of the child in an attempt to ensure that the nation retains its ethnic identity; for example, in Germany, I'd promote a policy that awards higher compensation for a German couple to have a child than for another French-Portuguese couple; furthermore, no incentives would be provided to non-Europeans to procreate, none are needed. A national contest should be created that gives away prizes, homes, cars and whatnot for families that have for example in excess of five children or so to add further publicity and recognition in having a family. A national daycare program would also go a long way into managing a family where both parents work.

How would we pay for all of these tangible programs you may ask? Going along with my plan on increasing the population would be my plan to improve its health as well, I'd imagine heavy, heavy, heavy taxation of unhealthy industries such as smoking, alcohol [this might be difficult to do!] and especially fast food [these are all initial considerations suspect to further improvement and revising]. I'd free up legislation that forces people to purchase insurance for their car or health which would provide for greater disposable income that can be spent in "healthier" and more productive industries; the last thing we need are more insurance companies providing bogus services, wouldn't anyone agree that money is better spent in domestic grocery stores on domestic items or domestic manufacturers helping them out instead of some insurance company executive; insurance companies are a fraud that scam you out of more money than you can ever expect in return, they are just about as bad as banks. With regards to pensions, people who retire [both men and women] childless would receive only 50% of the standard government pension. People who have one child would receive 75% of the standard and only people with two or more children would receive the full rate to fulfill the sustainable rate of two children per couple. Does this sound somewhat mean, or amoral? Perhaps. However I think that it is an entirely appropriate measure if you consider that it costs approximately $200,000 and in some estimates more, for a family to provide for a single child between the ages of 0 and 18! To add onto this burden, these families must pay incomes taxes as well; contrast that to childless couples or individuals who live a life without the strain [and pleasure!] of raising a family, who will save at least $200,000 in their lifetime in comparison to the family with one child. Why should the family with one child who are doing something for the future [by providing a future labourer and taxpayer, contributor to the society & culture etc.] of the nation pay disproportionately more while the childless enjoy their life of hedonism and luxury without any regard for the continuation of their nation or culture? The way I see it, the $200,000 that the childless couple will save over 18 years of their working life [in reality, it's considerably more as they'll be working for far longer] should be responsibily saved for their retirement and it will more than compensate for a 50% drop in their pension every month. How can they be so selfish and conceited to believe that they deserve a full pension after having no children, where do they honestly think that the money for their pension will come from, that's right, future generations of workers; they should have thought of that before and now they must realize that for not having any children to contribute to paying for their pension, they themselves must pay for it. Furthermore, given the future of Europe's retiring Baby Boomer population, any money that they can save in not paying the full pensions of certain "un-reproductive" members of society would go a long way in reducing the taxload on the younger generation which would stimulate our future economies. Lastly, if even all of this doesn't compensate for the Pro-Natality program, as a measure of last resort, I would increase the taxation rate of childless persons.

In terms of the intangible/cultural solutions, the only major one that I can think of which will have a cultural effect would be the national competition AND creating a class subject in education regarding the place of family in society. It should teach parenting skills, how to plan for a family, should provide a positive attitude towards the formation of a family, teaching about how important it is for society, provide information about government programs meant to help people etc.

Well, that's all for now, let me know what you all think by providing some feedback. Until next time, which will probably be tomorrow.